African architecture
African archives
Politics of architecture
Urban history
Architectural history
LocationOxford, United Kingdom
Local time
Sector ExpertKuukuwa Manful

Trained architect who researches and documents architecture in Africa

Kuukuwa Manful is a trained architect who researches and documents architecture in Africa. She is the project lead and principal investigator of the Building Early Accra project, which digitises collections of architectural and administrative archival records created from as early as 1894. Her current research – towards a PhD at SOAS, University of London – examines the sociopolitics of West African nation-building, modernity, and social stratification through a study of the architecture of schools. She holds Masters and BSc Architecture degrees from the Kwame Nkrumah University of Science and Technology (Ghana), and an MSc in African Studies from The University of Oxford (UK).
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