Behaviour-smart thinking
Travel and human behaviour
Sustainability and human behaviour
Travel and sustainability
Travel and climate action
Travel and Leisure
LocationSofia, Bulgaria
Local time
Macro ExpertMilena Nikolova

Expert in applying behavioural insights to travel and sustainability

Dr. Milena S. Nikolova is a leading expert in applying insights about human behaviour to travel and sustainability. Her passion is in applying behaviour-smart tactics to enhance the positive impacts of tourism on people, companies, and places. Dr. Nikolova is a frequent speaker at global and regional tourism industry events on topics such as behavioural economics for tourism, reinventing travel, and understanding traveller behaviour. She is the author of the first book on applying behavioural sciences to strategic issues in tourism. Dr. Nikolova is also the founder of a boutique company focused on designing and delivering behaviour-smart innovations for the tourism sector.
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