Ex-military, human spaceflight specialist with research and operational experience
Simon Evetts previously worked for Wyle (now KBR), leading the Medical Projects & Technology Unit at the European Astronaut Centre (EAC), Cologne, supporting the health of European astronauts. Since leaving EAC, Evetts has helped establish the Blue Abyss enterprise, which is building extreme environment research and training facilities. He has been passionate about the development of the UK human spaceflight community over the last 25 years, co-founding several organisations, including the UK Space Life & Biomedical Sciences Association. He's a visiting senior lecturer at Kings College London, a visiting professor at Northumbria University, and a fellow of the Royal Aeronautical Society.
How will we prepare and train the general public, with our myriad of health conditions and abilities, to safely travel to and spend time in space in the years ahead?
What will a fully space-faring humanity look like in 25 and 50 years time?
Who will make up the first off-world colony and how will the human form and function evolve as a result?