11 Jul 2017UpdateFour behaviours impacting health and beauty in 2017UPDATE: Dispatches from the Canvas8 HQ

Beauty is more than skin deep. And while eating your five-a-day and getting regular exercise are ingrained in social conventions of health, personal wellbeing has begun to transcend the physical, as demonstrated by the $3.7 trillion wellness industry. We explore the key behaviours that are affecting the health and beauty industry in 2017.

Mica AnthonyMica Anthony is a content writer with a passion for fashion and all things beauty, who has written for the likes of gal-dem and WAVE Magazine. When she’s not trawling social media for her next fashion look, she’s expanding her Depop empire or discovering an emerging music producer.

Every six months, the sharpest minds at Canvas8 discern the four behaviours we’ve seen that are impacting the health and beauty landscape – from how brands are challenging impossible beauty ideals, to how perceptions of male make-up are shifting. This time around we look at the brands demystifying and de-shaming imperfect bodies, explore how mental health is being more openly discussed, reveal the wellness movement’s role in making people aware of the ingredients in their products, and explain how people are taking comfort in conversations with other humans.

Mica Anthony is an editorial assistant at Canvas8, which specialises in behavioural insights and consumer research. She’s passionate about uncovering the newest electronic music producers, re-living ‘90s fashion and championing the voices often left out of mainstream media.