20 May 2019Spottedwetransfer ad encourages people to go off gridSPOTTED: the insights behind the ads

WeTransfer has launched a campaign urging people to switch off from their digital devices. The ad is a short film that centres on the premise of the fun that can be had once you close your laptop – and comes at a time where creative workers are becoming increasingly stressed out. We explore the insights behind this and why WeTransfer is encouraging people to disconnect.


The campaign seeks to encourage people to take a break from screens. The 60-second film highlights the possibilities for fun once laptops are closed and is narrated by writer Roxane Gay, who reads a poem that talks about wasting time online. Activities the film's protagonist is seen doing is running through flower-filled fields, swimming in lakes and painting. The insight for the sport stemmed from WeTransfer’s 2018 Ideas report, which found that many people are creative when they are not locked into their digital devices. “Since the beginning of WeTransfer back in 2009, our team has envisioned technology as a tool to help humans and facilitate creativity – and nothing more,” says Damian Bradfield, WeTransfer president.

wetransfer ad encourages people to go off grid

Digital decluttering is being championed to aid people to reach a better work-life balance. The average person checks their smartphone every 12 minutes, including within five minutes of waking up in the morning and this is coupled with 85% of Brits saying they're stressed out on a regular basis. In Japan, death by overwork applies to one-in-five workers so Mitsui Home is reminding people that work finishes at 6pm via the Rocky theme tune. With Lego encouraging people to kidult, coupled with brands offering products to de-stress creatives, businesses and workplaces can look to aid employee wellbeing by encouraging time away from screens.