11 Jun 2021PopsciLockdown raises astrology interest among menPOPSCI: a scientific slant on popular culture

Many people turned to astrology during the pandemic, seeking comfort amid uncertainty and answers to the unanswerable. Although astrology and spirituality have often been associated with women, men who are seeking mental health benefits are showing more interest.

Precious OsobaPrecious Osoba is a junior behavioural analyst at Canvas8. Fascinated by the hows and whys of people and culture, she has a background in social sciences and a degree in marketing. You can often find her in aesthetically pleasing restaurants writing articles for her Medium profile.

Horoscope.com has seen a substantial increase in men using its platform, going from 32% of users in 2019 to 43% in 2021. Similarly, the astrology app Co-Star, which uses NASA data for its charts, reports the percentage of men using the app is on its way to reaching 30%. And the number of men who believe that horoscope signs are important to consider when looking for a partner has increased by 60% from 2018 to 2021. “It’s a great thing to see more men feeling like they don’t need to keep everything inside or solve all of their problems for themselves,” says SirCheo, an astrologer who works on Keen.com.

The pandemic has had an immense impact on men’s mental health with 59% feeling more alone and 45% experiencing a decline in their emotional wellbeing – however, 66% rarely discuss these issues. Furthermore, with the pandemic starving many people of touch and intimacy, astrology is proving to be a comforting ally at a time when confusion and loneliness are high. To add to this, the rise of astrology speaks to a rise in ‘truth seekers’ with the number of men who consider astrology a ‘legitimate science’ having increased by 20% since 2018. As astrology becomes a haven for mental health, it's important to remember it's not a substitute therapy so brands would do well to encourage professional intervention as well.

Precious Osoba is a junior behavioural analyst at Canvas8. Fascinated by the hows and whys of people and culture, she has a background in social sciences and a degree in marketing. You can often find her in aesthetically pleasing restaurants writing articles for her Medium profile.