Another Zoom?! The science of virtual leadership
17 Jul 2020
Another Zoom?! The science of virtual leadership

Leading a team can be difficult at the best of times, and amid a mass uptake of remote working due to COVID-19, fresh challenges have emerged. Canvas8 spoke to Ina Purvanova, professor of leadership and management at Drake University, to learn the traits of a great virtual leader.

Dr. Radostina (Ina) Purvanova

Dr. Radostina (Ina) Purvanova is professor of leadership and management at Drake University’s College of Business. Her research interests lie in the area of leadership, with a specific focus on employee motivation, high-quality work relationships, and women in the workplace. Her research has been published in prestigious management journals including the Academy of Management Journal,Personnel Psychology, The Leadership Quarterly, and the Journal of Vocational Behavior.