Why Australian mums worry about that glass of wine
11 Jun 2018
Why Australian mums worry about that glass of wine

Despite growing evidence that Aussies are moderating their drinking behaviour in a positive manner, mainstream media regularly raises the red flag regarding the drinking habits of middle-aged mums. The consequence is a perpetuating cycle of stress-drinking about factors that contribute to stress-drinking.

Paul Dillon

Paul Dillon is the director and founder of DARTA (Drug and Alcohol Research and Training Australia). He is an active and passionate advocate for community education on alcohol and other drugs. Paul works with schools, governments and community groups with the production of accurate and up-to-date information.

Simon Strahan

Simon Strahan is the CEO of DrinkWise, an independent, not-for-profit organisation established by the alcohol industry. DrinkWise programmes are predicated on a whole-of-community approach involving industry, government, health and education professionals and the broader community, in order to effectively achieve cultural change and reduce the individual and community harm with alcohol misuse.

Ann-Marie Cahill

Ann-Marie Cahill is a writer with a history of legal and sociology research. After spending years writing and arguing about legal technicalities, she realised there was far more to our social world to both read and experience.