What's the future of the American gas station?
14 Jun 2022
What's the future of the American gas station?

Few things are as synonymous with American culture as gas stations, the epitome of the American road trip. But as EVs are on the rise, is the entire industry at the risk of becoming obsolete? What can brands that sell items in gas stations learn about their shifting place in American culture?

Prof. David Yu

Prof. David Yu is a professor of practice in finance at New York University Shanghai and Stern School and is a recognised expert in cross-border investing, financing, and valuation.

Dr. Daniel Farber

Dr. Daniel Farber is the Sho Sato professor of law at the University of California, Berkeley. He’s also the faculty director of the Center for law, energy, and the environment.

Dr. Pradeep Chintagunta

​​Dr. Pradeep Chintagunta is a professor of marketing at the University of Chicago Booth School of Business. He has studied packaged goods, pharmaceuticals, technology, and online markets to answer questions related to pricing, advertising, and channels of distribution.

Andres Zambrano Bravo

Andres Zambrano Bravo is a Berlin-based freelance journalist who loves to ask why. He loves puzzles and seeks answers to social phenomena and trends, helping researchers, companies, and artists to also find their voice along the way. When not annoying people with questions, you can find him spinning records in one of Berlin’s smoky venues.