How are British Boomers looking after their cars?
24 Nov 2022
How are British Boomers looking after their cars?

The future of motoring may be electric, but for Britain’s Boomers – who grew up with cars they could often maintain at home – the EV revolution isn’t entirely welcome. How do they typically care for their cars? And how might financial and environmental concerns reshape these habits?

Chris Adamson

Chris Adamson has over 30 years of experience as a motoring journalist. He is a former Regional Motoring Journalist of the Year and honorary secretary of the Guild of Motoring Writers, life member of the Guild of Motoring Writers, and life member of the National Union of journalists.

Joel Milne

Joel Milne is the CEO of RepairSmith, which makes it easy for everyone to keep their vehicles reliable by delivering quality auto repair and maintenance directly to people’s homes or workplaces, with effortless booking, transparent pricing, and trusted technicians who are dedicated to delivering the best customer experience.

Skye Capazorio

Skye Capazorio is the chief growth officer for Dropless and is accountable for marketing, sales, and key account management. Dropless is a tech-enabled, data-driven vehicle care company focused on sustainable and ethically delivered mobile services. Offering vehicle washing, maintenance, and servicing all through one app, it provides services to customers and businesses across the UK.

Marcus Jaye

A pioneer of digital content, The Chic Geek, a.k.a. Marcus Jaye, has grown to become one of the UK’s most respected and influential bloggers on style and fashion. An expert within the men’s style arena, The Chic Geek has previously written for titles including GQ, Shortlist, and Men’s Health, and appeared on TV and BBC radio. His first book, The Chic Geek’s Fashion, Grooming & Style Guide For Men, was published in 2011, and his second, #FashionWankers, was published in 2019.