What’s next for flexitarianism?
11 Jan 2023
What’s next for flexitarianism?

Flexitarian diets have boomed in recent years as people seek to make climate- and health-friendly choices. But as the cost of living bites and people tighten their belts to find more economical ways to shop, how can brands continue to nudge consumers towards plant-based eating?

Paul Morozzo

Paul Morozzo is a green recovery campaigner at Greenpeace UK. He's a long-term Greenpeace activist and campaigner who has been involved in raising awareness of the global effects of climate change.

Anabelle Randles

Anabelle Randles is the co-founder of the eco retailer By Nature and writes about food, ethics, and the environment in her blog, The Flexitarian.

Lottie Hanwell

Lottie Hanwell is a behavioural analyst at Canvas8. She has a degree in English Literature and Spanish, and spends a lot of time thinking, researching and writing about developments in society and culture. On her weekends, she likes to run, read and make a mess in the kitchen.