Dr. Meg Elkins on understanding inflationary psychology
31 Mar 2023
Dr. Meg Elkins on understanding inflationary psychology

With cost of living pressures ramping up, will consumer spending necessarily decline? Inflation anxiety could actually drive up spending as people preempt perceived price increases in the future. Canvas8 spoke to behavioural economist Meg Elkins to unpack the phenomenon of inflationary psychology.

Meg Elkins

Meg Elkins is a behavioural and applied economist with research interests in both societal and cultural economics. Her research links economic impacts and how our information biases impact decision-making. Meg is a member of the Behavioural Business Lab and the Centre for International Development. She is a regular commentator for TV, radio, and print on behavioural issues and decision-making processes.

Elly Lau

Elly Lau is a Behavioural Analyst at Canvas8. With a degree in sociology and Japanese studies from the National University of Singapore, she operates at the intersections of cultural insight, strategy and storytelling. Armed with a uniquely APAC perspective, Elly has conducted research on DIY media in Singapore and East Asian art history. She also writes a music criticism newsletter in her spare time and is a lifelong defender of fangirl culture.