Veronica Ferrari on leveraging brand ambassadors
14 Apr 2023
Veronica Ferrari on leveraging brand ambassadors

Brands are gravitating towards influencers to represent their offerings. Given the potential PR crises that a controversial tweet or public statement can cause, Canvas8 spoke to social media intelligence expert Veronica Ferrari on how to get the most out of this risky yet rewarding terrain.

Veronica Ferrari

Veronica Ferrari is a writer, consultant, and cultural insights analyst who has worked with major brands and agencies worldwide identifying trends using social media intelligence. She is one of the Top 25 Pioneers in Social Intelligence according to the SIL Insider 50 2023 list. She is currently head of insight at InsightX, a leading intelligence and reputation risk agency with clients in business, sport, and culture. Veronica also writes about publishing, social media, Brazil, and tech for a variety of media outlets. After leaving Italy eight years ago, she has lived and worked in London, Rio de Janeiro, and now France.

Yaa Addae

Yaa is a Senior Behavioral Analyst at Canvas8. Growing up across three continents, they are always looking for the bigger picture and cross-cultural meaning-making. In their spare time, you can find them studying herbal medicine or by the ocean, possibly surfing if it's warm enough.