How can toxic diet culture be tackled?
13 Jun 2023
How can toxic diet culture be tackled?

With all the buzz around empowerment and body positivity movements, the pervading message is still that body image equals worthiness. Diet culture remains toxic and nobody is spared from its sting. How can brands be kinder and more transparent while breaking the cycle of unhealthy diet messaging?

Anastasia Vinnikova

Anastasia Vinnikova is the head of workplace wellbeing at the City Mental Health Alliance UK. She sits on the Samaritans Policy, Partnerships, and Research Committee as a lived experience advisor and is a trustee of mental health charity InspireUK.

Azmina Govindji

Azmina Govindji is an award-winning dietitian, consultant nutritionist, best-selling author, and global speaker. She’s a media spokesperson for the British Dietetic Association. She has written 20 books and runs her own consultancy at Azmina Nutrition.

Shabana Ebrahem

With over 15 years of experience mapping cultural shifts and trends, Shabana Ebrahem helps brands better contextualise contemporary lifestyle and wellbeing narratives. She's a trusted industry advisor, idea curator, practitioner, and educator, skilled in trend application, research, and cultural insight. Ebrahem has designed and led pivotal foresight and market intelligence projects for leading brands in the UK and globally across industries, including beauty, supplement health, consumer electronics, and retail – making her a go-to specialist for several leading companies.