What’s next for the period positivity movement?
26 Jun 2023
What’s next for the period positivity movement?

Picking up steam in the early 2010s, the period positivity movement saw women fight to destigmatize menstruation. But with period inequity still rampant in the US and trust damaged in some progressive menstrual start-ups, where should the movement go next? And how can femtech brands learn from this?

Chella Quint

Chella Quint is a designer, writer, educator, and performer who coined the phrase ‘period positive’ in 2006 and founded the hashtag #periodpositive.

Lynette Medley

Lynette Medley is the founder and CEO of No More Secrets MBS Inc., a grassroots sexuality and menstrual health awareness organisation based in Philadelphia.

Cinestie Olson

Cinestie Olson is a communications manager at Sunny, a menstrual cup start-up based in the US.

Oriana Kraft

Oriana Kraft founded FemTechnology, Inc., which includes: FemTechnology Summit, Guide + University Series. The summit brings together femtech start-ups, clinicians, corporates + researchers across the globe for a 360-degree perspective on innovation in women’s health. FemTechnology University Series scouts ground-breaking researchers + innovators to connect them to funding opportunities and help support the creation of solutions in women’s health and disseminate their insights to a wider audience. FemTechGuide aggregates these innovations for corporates and physicians to enable direct access to patients and help bridge the gap in care.

Moya Crockett

Moya Crockett is a writer, journalist, and editor based in London. A former women’s editor, she’s particularly interested in the cultural, social, and political forces that shape people’s lives.