How are stay-at-home dads subverting social stigma?
13 Jul 2023
How are stay-at-home dads subverting social stigma?

The number of stay-at-home dads in the UK has increased considerably since the pandemic. But despite significant societal shifts in that time, fathers still struggle to feel as accepted as the primary caregiver, and a certain amount of stigma remains. What can brands do to help challenge this stigma?

Dr. Jasmine Kelland

Dr. Jasmine Kelland is a lecturer in human resource studies and leadership at the University of Plymouth and the author of Caregiving Fathers in the Workplace: Organisational Experiences and the Fatherhood Forfeit.

Paul Hodkinson

Paul Hodkinson is a reader in sociology at the University of Surrey and co-author of Sharing Care: Equal and Primary Carer Fathers and Early Years Parenting.