What's fueling Australia's EV surge?
13 Oct 2023
What's fueling Australia's EV surge?

Australia is now witnessing a surge in adopting electric vehicles (EVs). As climate change and sustainability issues loom, Aussies are hungry to join the EV market. Everyone from the daily driver to the commuter is assessing their environmental impact, from suburban streets to remote highways.

Brendan Wheeler

Brendan Wheeler is the co-founder of EVSE Australia, a leading EV charging solutions provider delivering turnkey projects for residential, commercial, fleet, and governments. EVSE Australia is on a mission to decarbonise the way we move, work, and play by accelerating the uptake of electric vehicles, having delivered over 12,000 EV charging solutions since 2015. As one of the industry’s first movers, they have quietly enabled the early adopters and built an industry-leading brand as sector specialists, ready to drive the large-scale change emerging in the Australian market. Brendan is a proud EV owner and advocate and is regularly invited to consult and speak to fleets, organisations, and EV owners across the country.

Daniel Zelcer

Daniel Zelcer is an expert in renewable energy and sustainability with over ten years of experience. He's the founder and director of Acacia Sustainability, where he focuses on providing energy market research, climate risk analysis, and solutions for the transition to net zero emissions. He holds a Master's in energy systems from the University of Melbourne and a Bachelor of Business in management and psychology from Swinburne University. Daniel works with notable clients, including WWF-Australia and the Clean Energy Investor Group, helping to accelerate the transition to decarbonise the energy system and make Australia a renewable export superpower.

Sarah Wei

Sarah Wei is a journalist and producer based in Melbourne and Hong Kong, with a focus on the travel, lifestyle, and arts and culture sectors. She has produced over 35 talks and workshops with 120 speakers, three large-scale 5-day events, over 20 community events,  one VR/AR exhibition, and more than 150 published features and stories across the region.