The objects that people consume increasingly exist in digital formats, and this is having implications on how people are experiencing ownership. Canvas8 spoke to Dr. Rebecca Mardon about how digital products and offerings can overcome barriers to become meaningful possessions in people’s lives
Dr. Rebecca Mardon is a reader in marketing at Cardiff University. Her research explores consumption through a sociocultural lens, focusing on how digital technologies can transform consumption practices and impact consumers’ wider identities, relationships, and wellbeing.
Rachel Choi is a Behavioural Analyst at Canvas8. With a degree in Archaeology and Anthropology from Oxford University, she has an interdisciplinary understanding of behavioural and cultural patterns across societies. She has a love for stories that capture the nature of human experience, through writing, media, or material culture. Outside of work, you can find her attending exhibitions, oscillating between overthinking and head-empty-just-vibes, or rewatching her favourite (usually Studio Ghibli!) films.