How Detroit People's Food Co-Op fills a hunger for community
29 Oct 2024
How Detroit People's Food Co-Op fills a hunger for community

When Detroit People's Food Co-Op opened, the growing interests of the local community in food culture converged with values-focused community businesses. Its cooperative model and local partnerships highlight the opportunities for grocery stores to build customer enthusiasm and loyalty.

Katie Scott

Katie Scott is a customer solutions specialist based in Washington DC with over four years' experience in the grocery business. Katie has worked at major grocery outlets in Washington, DC and New York, NY for Trader Joe's groceries.

Ellery Weil

Ellery Weil is a writer and historian based in London, England. She was awarded a PhD in History from University College London in 2023 and has given lectures on history for both academic and popular audiences in Britain and the United States. You can find her writing on education, history, the arts, and more across publications based across three continents, including both the academic and popular press.