From December 2015 onwards, people will be able to access the internet on their smartphone throughout Europe for no extra charge. It presents a huge opportunity for tourism apps, and Gamar is positioning itself as a key player in the London market.
Google's mobile app 'Ingress' is a game played in the real world. Players use their Android phones to look for clues and codes in their environment in order to find virtual portals and coordinate attacks with other players.
Macquarie’s Museum of Ancient Cultures houses artefacts dating from the third millennium BCE, but visitors never get to touch the exhibits kept in glass cases. Can 3D laser printed replicas of ancient artefacts transform visiting museums and learning into hands-on experiences?
As our society grows more complex, the educational landscape is becoming radically different. Our educational choices have multiplied exponentially, regardless of age, location or level, with the introduction of digital learning. But how effective are these new methods?
Across the US, over a quarter of museums are seeing a decline in attendance. While some blame the recession, museum geek Mark Rosen has a more sobering reason – museums are run by dull people. Rather than complain, Rosen created his own work-around, and started the Museum Hack.