The latest in Delhi’s ongoing struggle to minimise the prevalence of rape and sexual harassment comes in the form of a smartphone app. A private tech innovator is providing women with a chat tool that connects them directly with local police.
In a time of economic uncertainty, brands are trying to increase their cultural and civic clout. This report discusses the drivers behind the shift towards Civic Brands, and brings together recent case studies and statistics.
To encourage women to speak out about sexual harassment, websites like SafeCity and HarassMap Mumbai have launched mapping initiatives. The maps enable women to anonymously report the location at which they have been abused, whilst removing the pressure of filing a formal complaint.
The Indian smartphone market grew nearly 190% in the first quarter of 2014. But this boom isn't being driven by the big players – it's home-grown brands like Micromax, Karbonn and Lava. Cost is a factor, but are there more meaningful reasons behind people’s smartphone purchases?
Uber hasn’t always had the cosiest relationship with the press, but its latest blunder has landed itin the hottest water yet. After suggesting it could smear a journalist by tracking her through Uber journey data, it's been firefighting a public outcry.