13 May 2024UpdateRobin Dunbar On Building Meaningful Consumer Relationships

How can brands cultivate loyal consumer relationships? As human-to-human connections evolve, how does this affect business-customer relationships? And is there a correct way for businesses to develop intimacy with their audience? We explored these questions and more at Canvas8’s Breakfast Briefing.

Chris LewisChris works on Global Partner Development at Canvas8 and is a self-proclaimed vintage-inspired Futurist, multipotenitalite, & storyteller fuelled by black coffee. After studying Criminology, he ventured into the world of Grime Music and began his career in the agency world. He has a passion for understanding people, culture, & the world around us .

Professor Robin Dunbar is a distinguished academic, Head of the Social and Evolutionary Neuroscience Research Group at the University of Oxford, and author known for his research on social bonding and human relationships.

Robin’s work, including the famous Dunbar's Number theory, delves into the complexities of social connections in primates and humans.

We chatted with Professor Dunbar at Canvas8’s breakfast briefing, exploring his insights on friendship, social networks, evolutionary psychology, and the learnings they offer for organisations on building more meaningful relationships with their intended target audience.

Breakfast Briefings are Canvas8’s highly coveted roundtables – a chance for members to listen to thought leaders, innovators and cultural leaders in an intimate setting, followed by an exclusive Q&A.

For those who couldn’t attend, Christopher Lewis, Global Partner Manager at Canvas8, has summarised the essence of the talk, offering up three key takeaways that can be applied to brands, businesses, organisations, and creative ways of thinking.

💭 Understand the dynamics of meaningful relationships
Understanding the importance of shared cultural elements and experiences is crucial in building meaningful relationships and connecting with consumers. Elements such as language, worldview, musical tastes, and even a sense of humour all contribute to creating a sense of belonging and strengthening bonds. Organizations can use these elements to connect with their audiences by aligning with their values and interests effectively, notes Professor Dunbar.

🫶🏼 Build on shared values
Trust is central to fostering loyalty and commitment in relationships. With that in mind, organizations that focus on building intimate connections with core audiences centred on trust and shared values will be more likely to inspire loyalty and advocacy than those that don’t - in other words, brands and businesses have the potential to go beyond transactional interactions and connect with consumers on a deeper, more personal level.

💡 Utilise storytelling to build community
To cultivate loyalty, organizations can embrace the art of storytelling and shared experiences as powerful tools for community-building. By crafting narratives, creating rituals, and tapping into cultural elements that resonate with their target audiences, organizations can foster a deep sense of belonging and shared identity to establish emotional connections Through meaningful engagement in narrative-led experiences and conversations, brands can strengthen bonds and cultivate loyal communities around products or services.