Germans stay generous despite economic and political woes
7 May 2024
Germans stay generous despite economic and political woes

Germany has earned its reputation as a prosperous and generous nation in recent history. But with an economic crisis affecting how its citizens shop, spend, and save, how are German attitudes to charity changing? And what can brands do to keep the flame of altruism alive?

Peter Schubert

Dr Peter Schubert is a senior project manager at ZiviZ (Civil Society in Numbers), a Berlin-based think tank within the Donors' Association for German Science. He leads the data work at ZiviZ.

Burkhard Wilke

Burkhard Wilke is the managing director and scientific director at the Deutsches Zentralinstitut für soziale Fragen (German Central Institute for Social Issues).

Gouri Sharma

Gouri Sharma is an internationally renowned independent journalist from London living in Berlin writing for international media sites including Al Jazeera English and Deutsche Welle. Amid a career spanning nearly two decades, including five years on the production desk for Al Jazeera's flagship media critique show The Listening Post, Gouri now writes on issues such as race, culture, migration, history, and sexual health and wellness. With each report, she aims to draw out the individual story amid the wider political or historical context; centring the human story is a priority, in particular amplifying the voices of those from marginalised communities whose stories are not as visible.