How digital nomads are shattering the status quo
16 Jul 2024
How digital nomads are shattering the status quo

The geography of jobs is changing, and although it’s not yet clear how things will shake out in the long term, digital nomadism is on the rise – though the stereotype of the White surfer bro coding at the beach is long outdated. So, who are today’s digital nomads and what are their challenges?

Kaisu Koskela

Dr. Kaisu Koskela is a postdoctoral researcher at the Nijmegen School of Management’s Department of Geography, Planning, and Environment who’s focused on the rapid onset of ‘digital nomad visas’ around the world and their reception by the digital nomad community. She’s also a digital nomad herself.

Fabiola Mancinelli

Fabiola Mancinelli is an anthropologist and assistant professor at the Universitat de Barcelona who specialises in tourism and travel culture. She has been researching digital nomads since 2016, and her published work has analysed digital nomadism as an individualisation process as well as delved into the supply side, researching visa systems and city branding initiatives to attract digital nomads to Spain.

Gonçalo Hall

Gonçalo Hall is the CEO of NomadX, a global platform for digital nomads. He is passionate about creating projects that make interesting places more accessible, attractive, and impactful for remote workers. With over seven years of experience in the digital nomadism space, Gonçalo has successfully launched and promoted the Digital Nomad Village in Ponta do Sol, Madeira, the Cape Verde Remote Work Program, and the first nomad village in Brazil, located in Pipa, among other initiatives.

Megan Carnegie

Megan Carnegie is a journalist and editor. She has written for Courier, Time Out, Guardian Weekend, Creative Review, The Telegraph, Evening Standard, and more. Outside of work, she can be found reading, running, and killing off her houseplants.