No longer is ‘thirst quenching’ a good enough reason to purchase a soft drink. People are choosing beverages based on what “innovative” feature or added nutritional value they contain, as highlighted by a 2014 Beverage Industry report.
From e-cigarettes to Coke Zero, people see ‘light’ alternatives as healthier – based not on the ingredients, but on everything from packaging colours to product labels. But if it’s simply a matter of perception, is a ‘healthy high’ truly achievable?
9 in 10 adults are consciously eating more nutrients, vitamins and minerals. These so-called ‘specialty nutritionals’ closely link eating to health. Antidote is a brand tapping into this trend by offering juices as a ‘cure’ for unhealthy lifestyles.
More and more people are drinking branded 'green juice' - a nutrient-filled mixture of vegetables - but at around $9 a bottle, it doesn't come cheap. It's also quickly becoming a 'fashion accessory' for health enthusiasists, akin to carrying a yoga mat.
Tesco has created a new private brand of juices and smoothies designed to appeal to a wide spectrum of tastes. The Tesco Juice Bar range boasts bold, unique designs for each variety, and is part of the private branding trend by supermarkets.