Grocery shopping is up there with laundry and vacuuming as one of the most unenjoyable and time-consuming weekly chores. French supermarket chain Carrefour hopes that digitising the shopping list will make the weekly food shop easier. But how?
With the spread of technology, companies are exploring the ways household chores can be made more bearable. Amazon is appealing to grocery-hating mothers everywhere with Amazon Dash – the kitchen assistant intended to do for the shopping list what Kindle did for the e-book.
A new wave of technological advancements is making it easier than ever to plug into a techno-utopian automated lifestyle, as people increasingly expect to exchange minimum input for maximum output.
How important is click and collect? What changes will supermarkets have to make to survive? How will shoppers become even more savvy? And which retailers are the ones to watch? As part of our Expert Outlook 2015 series we speak to three retail experts about the future of shopping.
Despite 66% of US households using coupons in an attempt to save money on their groceries, only $3.5 billion of the $470 billion worth of coupons were redeemed in 2013. Could Groupon’s cash back coupon Snap prove to be a digital solution to coupon-cutting?