26 Jul 2024Read of the weekLGBTQ+ Daters’ Desire Stronger Emotional Intimacy

A report from Hinge reveals that LGBTQ+ daters are seeking deeper emotional connections and guidance on purposeful dating in contemporary times. Yet, this advice might not resonate fully, as individuals gravitate towards in-person events for romance amid growing scepticism towards dating apps.

J’Nae PhillipsJ'Nae Phillips is a Senior Insights Editor at Canvas8. After an early career working in fashion and media, her passion for culture and journalism grew and she made the transition to writing and editing full-time. She specialises in fashion, trends, cultural shifts and all of the good stuff that gets people talking.

In its second annual LGBTQ+ Data, Advice, Trends, and Expertise (D.A.T.E.) Report, dating app Hinge highlights 'emotional intimacy' as the top concern among LGBTQ+ daters seeking guidance. Collaborating with marriage and family therapist Moi Ari Brown, the report not only examines current dating trends but also advocates for intentional and deliberate dating practices, promoting what it terms 'slowmance' – approaching relationships at a slower pace for greater emotional connection.

The Hinge findings underscore a strong yearning for deeper and more intimate connections. However, amid widespread discontent with modern dating with much of the blame frequently attributed to dating apps, the advice offered by Hinge may not fully resonate with today's LGBTQ+ daters. Particularly among young adults facing record levels of loneliness, there has been a shift towards hosting dinner parties, joining running clubs, or using platforms like TikTok to connect and take bonding offline into the real world.

In the quest for more fulfilling and intimate connections, daters are reconsidering their approach to technology. According to a report by Eventbrite, 2023 witnessed a surge in interest with over 1.5 million searches on the platform for dating and singles events. This trend suggests a notable shift away from dating apps as people increasingly prioritise in-person interactions and community-driven experiences in the LGBTQ+ community and beyond.