What are American Boomers feeding their pets?
27 Jul 2022
What are American Boomers feeding their pets?

Pets have proven mental and physical health benefits for those lucky enough to own one, but they are especially beneficial for older Boomers who are leading the generations in annual pet food spending. What are they feeding their furry friends, and what can brands do to cater to this growing market?


Wren is the assistant manager of Healthy Pets Lake Oswego, Oregon, and is one of the shop’s top wellness experts.

Jody Turner

Jody Turner is listed as one of Forbes' top 50 female futurists having developed new ways of addressing innovation through future-leaning trend strategy and insight. Apple, Adidas, Hearst Media, BMW, IDEO, Microsoft, Yale, Nike Foundation, Starbucks, Trendwatching.com, and multiple global conferences have learned from and utilised her approaches. Over the years, she has been invited to present, inspire, and teach market, cultural, and human understandings for future betterment.