Score – an NFT! The science of tokenised fandom
6 Jan 2023
Score – an NFT! The science of tokenised fandom

As blockchain tech continues to expand (and experience growing pains), brands and individuals are experimenting with how it can facilitate creativity, community, and commercialisation. Canvas8 spoke to Trevor Zaucha and Colin Agur at the University of Minnesota about the nuances of branded NFTs.

Trevor Zaucha

Trevor Zaucha is a doctoral student at the Hubbard School of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Minnesota. His research considers the political economy of new media and the intersection of emerging finance, gambling, digital games, and fandom.

Colin Agur

Colin Agur is an associate professor at the Hubbard School of Journalism and Mass Communication at the University of Minnesota. His research explores emerging media with a particular interest in mobile communication, digital games, and the political economy of media.

Safa Arshadullah

Safa Arshadullah is a behavioural analyst at Canvas8 with a background in organisational studies and strategic communications. To her, exploring behavioural and cultural insights is a means of learning nuances to better foster equity and justice in the world. Outside of work, you can find her tinkering with her chai recipe, taking meandering walks in neighborhoods she’s never been to, or analysing one of the multiple TV series she’s watching.