Just for me?! The science of personalised retail spaces
13 Oct 2023
Just for me?! The science of personalised retail spaces

Many people think of artificial intelligence as only affecting online interactions. But as it makes its way into more physical environments, how will people react? And how can brands best use the tech to engage their customers and strike the right balance between personalisation and privacy?

Ana Isobel Canhoto

Ana Isobel Canhoto is a professor of digital business at the University of Sussex’s Department of Management. Her research focuses on the intersection of digital technology and innovation, with a focus on understanding user experiences.

Anna Waletzko

Anna is a behavioural analyst at Canvas8. Her background in journalism spurred her interest in the intersection of power, identity, and media. She has a master’s in Gender, Media and Culture from The London School of Economics, where she researched media representation and diversity. Outside of work she can be found gardening, taking too many photos, or endlessly trying to crochet the same scarf.